The 34th Annual African Festival of the Arts returns Sept. 1-4, Labor Day weekend, to Chicago's historic Washington Park in the heart of the South Side's Museum District. The city's largest celebration of global black culture re-emerges, following a two-year hiatus due to the covid pandemic, under the theme "Back to Culture. Back to Tradition!" Experience Africa's art, sights, tastes, sounds, and spirituality in a - safe and gated - replicated African village!
Your rich and authentic Marketplace offerings attract national attention. Aggressive promotions will make this year bigger and better than ever. We are looking forward to seeing you.
The African Festival of the Arts is the mission sustaining program for Africa International House: “...that exposes and educates all peoples to the individual works and collective contributions of African cultures. …” All products and/or services offered for sale or presented at the festival must support and reflect this intent.
Location: Washington Park - 5100 S. Cottage Grove
Regular Exhibitor:
Food Vendor:
Non-profit: (limit one space, with attached proof of non-profit status.) Only 6 spaces available.
Political Organization: (limit one)
Booth fees include: Tent (10’ x 10’)
Electricity, City and Park District fees
Vendors are responsible for their own tables and chairs.
Aug: Notification of space assignment postcards e-mailed. Exhibitors may withdraw (in writing only) by this date to receive a refund. A $100 processing fee will be deducted from the refund. There will be NO REFUNDS. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO RAIN DATES.
Sept: Move-in and Setup (2:00pm to 9:00pm) Thursday is the only day vehicles will be allowed on the grounds for setup.
Sept: Exhibitors and Vendors Breakdown 10:30pm – Midnight
Electricity Information
Some electricity is provided. Booth fees for the African Festival of the Arts include the provision of:
Regular Exhibitors: One (1) outlet for lights (5-10 amps)*
Food Vendors: Two (2) 20-amp circuits
All Vendors are required to have power surge protectors.
AIH will not be responsible for equipment damage due to power surge and/or electrical malfunctions.
Additional Electricity: Needs that exceed those stated to the left.
$60 - 20 amps
$75 - 2-circuit box (20 amps each)
$120 - 60-amp hook-up
$210 - 100-amp single face
To assist the African Festival of the Arts in accommodating your electrical needs, please indicate your additional electrical needs on the Application and Contract.
Many thanks for your participation in the African Festival of the Arts. We are dedicated to producing a great event which benefits our exhibitors, sponsors and the attending public. We need your help in being a good citizen as well as in obeying the following rules and regulations:
• Refunds are given only when a cancellation request is received in writing.
• All booth fees must be paid in full.
• There will be NO collection of fees on the grounds of the Festival.
• Payments are only received in the form of money orders, bank drafts and secured bank instruments. NO Cash and NO Personal Checks.
• There is no rain date.
• City and state rules and laws apply and you are responsible for collecting and reporting all city and state retail sales taxes.
• Each exhibitor is responsible for the cleanliness, professionalism, safety, insurance and security of his/her property.
• Each exhibitor is responsible for his/her own display materials.
• Food vendors must have the City of Chicago Sanitation License present and posted at all times.
• No display or sale of counterfeit or bootlegged merchandise. Violators will be subject to confiscation, expulsion and/or arrest by Chicago Police.
• No subletting or transfer of booth space without permission.
• All work, display, storage, and extra materials will not be allowed to go beyond the assigned tent space.
• Your booth should not interfere with the booths next to yours.
• To encourage diversity and variety of merchandise, each exhibitor is limited to only two (2) booth spaces.
• Vehicles are not allowed on the grass and will be subject to a FINE and/or TOW.
• No generators, animals, dangerous objects, contraband, or loud amplified sounds.
• All Vendors are required to have power surge protectors.
• All rules will be enforced. Failure to comply with the rules, and exhibiting unruly behavior (including intoxication or verbal abuse or behaviors which threaten the safety of anyone) by an exhibitor or his/her agent will cause immediate expulsion.
The Chicago Fire Department Codes for outside Vendors Fire Extinguisher (ABC) Cost: $45.00 to $140.00
Class “A” Fires. Class “A” fires are the ordinary fires in which you are most familiar with; these are fires that leave an ash. Wood, cloth, paper, leaves, and rubbish are good examples of Class “A” fire materials. The fire in your fireplace is a Class “A” fire.
The best way to put out a Class “A” fire is to use water. Water helps to remove two of the three things in which are necessary before a Class “A” fire can burn. First, water cools, the burning material down below the temperature where it will burn. Second, water coats the burning material and keeps oxygen away. Third, without oxygen, the fire quickly goes out.
Class “B” Fires. These are fires involving highly flammable liquids such as gasoline, oil, paint, thinner, and naphtha. The starter fluid you pour on your outdoor barbecue is a good example of a Class “B” fire. These materials will usually burn at low temperatures. Because of this, the best way to put these fires out is to remove the supply of oxygen. This is usually done by using a fire extinguisher, which blankets the fire with a layer of foam, or some other material, which will not burn.
Class “C” Fires. These are fires involving electrical equipment. These can be very dangerous because you can receive a serious electrical shock if you try to put the fire out in the wrong way. You must use an extinguisher, which will not conduct electricity in order to put these fires out, unless the electricity to the burning material has been turned off. You might find a Class “C” fire in a fuse box or an electric motor. These fires should be put out with a dry chemical, liquid gas, or carbon tetrachloride fire extinguisher. Do not use a water extinguisher. The electricity can follow the stream of water right back to you, and you could receive a serious or fatal shock.
K-Extinguisher: For Food Vendors who cook with a deep fryer. Cost: $75.00 to $135.00
Gas Generators: No gas generator will be used at this venue due to open fire and the gas used to operate it.
Propane Tanks: The following propane tanks are to be placed as following:
• Propane tanks are not to be placed under your tents. They must be placed 10 feet away from the tents.
• If you have more than one tank, the tanks must be tied together with a rope or chain, and placed 10 feet away from the tent. If you have 3 or more tanks then they must be place outside the tent at least 5 feet away. If you have 2 tents and you have the tanks between them then the tents must be 5 feet apart.
• All exhibitors are required to have power surge protectors. AIH/AFA is not responsible for any damages due to power surges.
Travel & Lodging
African Festival of the Arts takes place in Washington Park on Chicago’s South Side, located 5100 S. Cottage Grove, Chicago, IL 60637.
Get to AFA:
The location is 15 minutes south of the loop area, and is within walking distance of the CTA Green Line and the Metra Electric District.
AFA preferred hotels:
Chicago South Loop Hotel
11 West 26th Street • Chicago, IL 60616
Phone: (312) 225.7000 • Fax: (312) 225.2396
Toll Free: (877) 305.HOTEL
Hard Rock Hotel Chicago
230 North Michigan Avenue • Chicago, Illinois 60601
Phone: (312).345.1000
Amber Inn
3901 S. Michigan Avenue • Chicago, IL 60653
Phone: (773-285-1000)
La Quinta
4900 S. Lake Shore Dr. • Chicago, IL 60615
Phone: (773-288-5800)
1.8 Miles
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place
2233 S. Martin L. King Dr. • Chicago, IL 60616
Phone: (312-567-1234)
3.8 Miles
Best Western Grant Park
1100 S. Michigan Ave (Downtown) Chicago, IL 60605
Phone: (312-922-2900)
5.4 Miles
New Rivera
9132 S. Stony Island Avenue • Chicago, IL 60617
Phone: (773-221-6600)
Other lodging options:
The City of Chicago boasts a full range of hotel and accommodations options. From the extravagant to the economical, we’ve got it and it’s all within 5 miles of Festival grounds. Visit The Official Visitors’ Site for Chicago to select your hotel and book your room today.