“Symbolism in African Art”
Friday & Saturday 1 - 3 PM | register below
Dayo Laoye | Visual Artist
A native of Nigeria, Dayo Laoye held a number of jobs in his homeland that enlisted his artistic talents before coming to America.; cartoonist illustrator, and graphic artist. Today Dayo Laoye makes his home in Chicago where he is an acclaimed studio artist. Much of Dayo’s work is characterized by the celebration of the spirituality of the Yoruba people. Over his career Dayo has worked in various media marking a turn in his creative focus and inspiration. Thus in the “llekun Orisa,” a series of oil paintings on old discarded doors inspired people and nature. The “Negritude” series depicts the unique beauty, diversity and power in women through the study of live models. Dayo’s presentation will revolve around “Symbolism in Art.”